Terima kasih atas kesedian temen-temen meluangkan waktu untuk membaca postingan2 iseng aku di blog ini. Sukses ya....
August 30, 2007
--- CLOSED ---
Terima kasih atas kesedian temen-temen meluangkan waktu untuk membaca postingan2 iseng aku di blog ini. Sukses ya....
August 14, 2007
Swim Suit Photo Shoot
Cuma mau pamer sie...abis anak bunda cantik banget, hehehe...ada-ada aja ya Bunda :).
Ini beberapa foto yang di ambil ama oom Kiting, yang ternyata setelah liat soft-file-nya banyak banget deh hasilnya. Masa dalam waktu ga sampe setengah jam Kay di foto hasil-nya ada sekitar 150 jepretan, serasa foto model beneran deh anak Bunda [sebenernya sie kayaknya Kay ngga ngeh juga, abis dia bergerak natural aja, Bunda-nya aja kaget campur bangga liat hasil-nya].
Ok deh... without furtherado, here I present to you, my lovely daughter Callista Puti Ulung :
So, what do you think?...Isn't she lovely and beautiful?...
Hehehe..harap maklum aja ya...emaknya yang ngomong, jadi ya agak2 narsis gitu.
Ok..please kasih comment dong....tentang cantiknya anak bunda [halah!!]...
August 07, 2007
Celebrity look-alikes
For the first trial, here what they say who is the celebrity that looks like me :
so what do you think?...As for me, I don't think i look like Ami Suzuki at all, maybe a little more like nora danish [I don't think that she is Nora Danish, whoever she is, I think she is more like Siti Nurhaliza, right?], hehehe..i prefer Siti coz i am such a fan of her :). A little subjectivity is allowed don't you think?
Because I am not convinced that I look like that Ami Suzuki, so i went for a second trial, here the result :
Hahaha..So I look like Gwyneth Paltrow or Tata Young now huh? Well at least they are more known than that Ami Suzuki [whose name is using a well known car producer]. ;
But since I still not satisfied with the result, so I went for another trial, and here's the last result :
well...I am still not satisfied with the result, but then again, I remember...it's only look-alikes...not exactly like... so...I AM just ME...and no one else...and I am proud of it. )
July 09, 2007
bad mood :-(
Masa nonton CSI : season 7 ada scene yang sedih terus ikutan nangis.
Ada yang janji sesuatu sama aku terus ga di tepati [entah ga bisa or ga mau or belum bisa or belum mau nepati], tau2 ngga kerasa air mata udah mengalir aja :-(
Payah ya, padahal udah bangga tuch ga cengeng lagi sampai bikin tulisan, ga nangis lagi....yay..... Eh..belum ada setahun udah cengeng lagi :-(.
Mood swing-nya lagi kurang ok, lagi ga cihuy pleus badannya juga lagi kurang lezat.. jadi nambah2 semua bikin hati ini ga senang. Bawaannya pengen pulang terus dan main-main sama my baby.
Berinteraksi dengan anak yang masih polos emang bikin hati jadi nyaman. Beda banget ama perasaan yang kita dapet kalo kita berinteraksi sama orang dewasa, karena reaksi dan pengharapannya pasti udah beda.
Hehehe...jadi curhat ga para ruguh gini :-). Ya tapi lumayan enak kok, udah plong kok. Ngomel-ngomel di blog sendiri kok. Ya harap dipersorry aja untuk yang baca.
June 30, 2007
Iseng - another unimportant post
Lagi iseng di rumah, my baby lagi main sama daddy-nya. Sebenernya sie online pengen tau film Die Hard 4 tuch midnight-nya dimana. Setelah browsing baru tau kalo film itu diputer midnight hampir di setiap cineplex 21 yang ada di kota Jakarta. Tapi kok malem banget ya.. :-(. Bisa ga ya nonton jam 12 malem???...males banget kali ya...mendingan tidur aja kali....nunggu itu film turun ke waktu normal.
Hari jumat kemarin iseng beli buku GOKIL!-nya Miund, yang ternyata lumayan juga. I mean, lumayan ga beda jauh ama isi blog ini...hehehe...narsis deh. Bukan gitu lowh maksud ku, sebenernya sie moral of the statement itu adalah, ya kalo aku berani nyoba itu ya mungkin aku juga bisa kayak dia, punya satu kumpulan tulisan yang di terbitin jadi novel.
Susahnya sekarang itu kan, munculin rasa berani itu. GA PEDE! Itu yang berulang kali ada di hati dan kepalaku. Masa sie mau ngeluarin sejumlah tulisan yang b aja, emang siapa aku?? Mana waktu itu udah coba kirim tulisan ke Femina, yang gado-gado itu lowh, tapi karena aku agak2 perfeksionis [sebenernya sie ga perfeksionis sie, tapi malu dan ga pede jadi minta dukungan ama Witri, itu lowh...Wapemred nya majalah FIT]. Eh hasilnya, waktu Witri bilang ada beberapa yang mesti di betulin jadi malah semakin ga pede deh. Makin ga yakin gitu kalo emang sebenernya aku belum mampu.
Hehehe, kalo di baca ama my hubby nie pasti di protes, karena dia pernah bilang supaya aku jangan pernah putus asa. Mesti coba terus. Kan semua buku penulisan kreatif udah pernah di beli dan di baca, tinggal di praktekin dan punya keberanian untuk ngirimnya aja. Kalo di tolak coba lagi, di tolak coba lagi. Terus dan terus begitu.
Kalo denger omongan "kalo di tolak, coba lagi" jadi inget pelatihan Financial Planner oleh Ligwina Hananto dari Quantum Magna Finance senin kemarin. Dia bilang, sifat seorang investor itu pantang menyerah. Kalo sampe seorang investor gagal, dia pasti langsung maju lagi. Jadi ga ada istilah tertipu bagi seorang investor. Jadi yang harus aku pastiin sekarang ini, aku itu berjiwa investor atau bukan ya?. Kalo memang bukan, apa bisa aku punya jiwa investor?
Ngomongin soal "Financial Planner", jadi inget masih punya PR nie. Buat bikin cash flow keuangan ku jadi positif. Hehehe...gara-gara kuliah-nya si Wina itu juga uang bonus yang aku dapet kmaren langsung aku pake untuk lunasin hutang kartu kredit-ku. Abis kalo ngga, berarti aku akan selalu defisit 25 % setiap bulannya. Waduh..naik gaji aja ga sampe segitu setiap tahunnya :-(, ini lagi defisit setiap bulan. Karena masih PR, ya jadi belum bisa di laksanakan, baru tahap planning, implementation-nya masih menunggu setelah seluruh urusan [baca : hutang...hehehe] selesai dulu. Doain ya :-).
Satu lagi 'hasil' dari pelatihan nya Wina adalah, keinginan aku punya penghasilan lain [side income lah istilah kerennya]. Gimana menyiasati supaya ga cuma ngandelin gaji doang. Lama-lama kerasa juga pengeluaran yang semakin besar sementara gaji ya segitu-segitu aja. Ada ide ga? Aku sie tadinya mau stay di jalur tulis menulis, tapi since keberanian belum muncul-muncul yang mungkin belum dalam waktu dekat ini lah temen-temen bisa baca nama ku terpampang di let say [secara ge er gitu] Gramedia..hahahahaha. Ide lain yang sudah lumayan mengarah ke implementasi itu sie kayaknya aku dan suami mau buka warung nasi kecil-kecilan kayaknya. Secara target pasarnya udah tersedia. Tinggal nyari resources ama tambahan modal...Ada yang berminat??. hehehehe.
Hmm...udah ah....iseng kok panjang banget. Udah dulu ya isengnya. Mau main sama anak dan hubby dulu, sekalian nyari inspirasi buat nulis lagi. Lumayan buat nambah-nambah postingan, siapa tau bisa dijadiin buku juga...[halah...bener-bener trend follower amat sie...hehehe....]
Hari jumat kemarin iseng beli buku GOKIL!-nya Miund, yang ternyata lumayan juga. I mean, lumayan ga beda jauh ama isi blog ini...hehehe...narsis deh. Bukan gitu lowh maksud ku, sebenernya sie moral of the statement itu adalah, ya kalo aku berani nyoba itu ya mungkin aku juga bisa kayak dia, punya satu kumpulan tulisan yang di terbitin jadi novel.
Susahnya sekarang itu kan, munculin rasa berani itu. GA PEDE! Itu yang berulang kali ada di hati dan kepalaku. Masa sie mau ngeluarin sejumlah tulisan yang b aja, emang siapa aku?? Mana waktu itu udah coba kirim tulisan ke Femina, yang gado-gado itu lowh, tapi karena aku agak2 perfeksionis [sebenernya sie ga perfeksionis sie, tapi malu dan ga pede jadi minta dukungan ama Witri, itu lowh...Wapemred nya majalah FIT]. Eh hasilnya, waktu Witri bilang ada beberapa yang mesti di betulin jadi malah semakin ga pede deh. Makin ga yakin gitu kalo emang sebenernya aku belum mampu.
Hehehe, kalo di baca ama my hubby nie pasti di protes, karena dia pernah bilang supaya aku jangan pernah putus asa. Mesti coba terus. Kan semua buku penulisan kreatif udah pernah di beli dan di baca, tinggal di praktekin dan punya keberanian untuk ngirimnya aja. Kalo di tolak coba lagi, di tolak coba lagi. Terus dan terus begitu.
Kalo denger omongan "kalo di tolak, coba lagi" jadi inget pelatihan Financial Planner oleh Ligwina Hananto dari Quantum Magna Finance senin kemarin. Dia bilang, sifat seorang investor itu pantang menyerah. Kalo sampe seorang investor gagal, dia pasti langsung maju lagi. Jadi ga ada istilah tertipu bagi seorang investor. Jadi yang harus aku pastiin sekarang ini, aku itu berjiwa investor atau bukan ya?. Kalo memang bukan, apa bisa aku punya jiwa investor?
Ngomongin soal "Financial Planner", jadi inget masih punya PR nie. Buat bikin cash flow keuangan ku jadi positif. Hehehe...gara-gara kuliah-nya si Wina itu juga uang bonus yang aku dapet kmaren langsung aku pake untuk lunasin hutang kartu kredit-ku. Abis kalo ngga, berarti aku akan selalu defisit 25 % setiap bulannya. Waduh..naik gaji aja ga sampe segitu setiap tahunnya :-(, ini lagi defisit setiap bulan. Karena masih PR, ya jadi belum bisa di laksanakan, baru tahap planning, implementation-nya masih menunggu setelah seluruh urusan [baca : hutang...hehehe] selesai dulu. Doain ya :-).
Satu lagi 'hasil' dari pelatihan nya Wina adalah, keinginan aku punya penghasilan lain [side income lah istilah kerennya]. Gimana menyiasati supaya ga cuma ngandelin gaji doang. Lama-lama kerasa juga pengeluaran yang semakin besar sementara gaji ya segitu-segitu aja. Ada ide ga? Aku sie tadinya mau stay di jalur tulis menulis, tapi since keberanian belum muncul-muncul yang mungkin belum dalam waktu dekat ini lah temen-temen bisa baca nama ku terpampang di let say [secara ge er gitu] Gramedia..hahahahaha. Ide lain yang sudah lumayan mengarah ke implementasi itu sie kayaknya aku dan suami mau buka warung nasi kecil-kecilan kayaknya. Secara target pasarnya udah tersedia. Tinggal nyari resources ama tambahan modal...Ada yang berminat??. hehehehe.
Hmm...udah ah....iseng kok panjang banget. Udah dulu ya isengnya. Mau main sama anak dan hubby dulu, sekalian nyari inspirasi buat nulis lagi. Lumayan buat nambah-nambah postingan, siapa tau bisa dijadiin buku juga...[halah...bener-bener trend follower amat sie...hehehe....]
June 28, 2007
Fun Experience
It is always amazing to watch a person growing up don't you think? Well, it is for me, and for this last couple of years, watching my baby girl growing up is one of the most fun experience I've ever have.
Even though it's been an amazing couple of years, these last few months is probably the most amazing and fun of all. I mean, watching my baby learned to speak her mind, its sooo cute and also pretty entertaining.
I mean, the first time she said "Ndak mau"....she said it all the time...in any occasion :-)....
It's a challenge for both my husband and I, trying to have a conversation with someone who is not yet 2 years old, because there's so many words that come out of her mouth is hardly understandable :-). But struggling as it is, I say it again, it's also a FUN thing to do.
Like the other day, for no obvious reason, she called me "undamu" other than munda [yeah I know, it also doesn't make sense...what's "MUNDA"?..but it's the closest thing to bunda right?] And just like "ndak mau", she said it all the time, whenever she wants me to do something or just for her fun, she always calls me undamu.. :-).
Last night another entertaining experience I have with Kay and my hubby, when he asked her to ask our maid for papaya coz he wants to eat some. Struggling with the words, Kay said to my maid, "Niia..aya...Dada [the translation would be -Nia, pepaya untuk Dada- or -Nia, could you get some papaya for Dada?]. But because of the way she talks, it's hard for the maids to understand so they asked, "emang Dada knapa Kay?" and she answered, "Dada..atit...paya...batuk" [hahahaha...I know..Iknow...it doesn't make sense right?....but can't blame my hubby for trying].
After waiting for the papaya that obviously will never come, my hubby called my baby again...and asked "Kay...bilang mbak Nia, mana..pepayanya kok ga jadi di potong?". And again, my baby - being the good messenger that she is - asked the maid the question that her dada asked her. "Nia, aya ana? aya otong Dada" [If I didn't tell you the story first...I bet it would be very hard for you to understand that....almost impossible right?....]
Hearing that question, the maids goes..."Ooh...Dada minta di potongin pepaya ya nak?"
Even though it takes a little longer, but she completed the task quite well don't you think?.
Another funny story last night is when my hubby sing along the song from the commercial on TV, the one with GIGI in it. The theme song is one of Gigi's songs..."Panas, panas, panas...badan ini....pusing....pusing....pusing....kepala ini"
And do you know what my baby does?.....She also sing along...but when it gets to the part "pusing...pusing"...she sang....'pusing paya...pusing paya...pusing paya' while doing some head banging...[I know it'snot soo hilarious when you read it here, but it was soooooooooo funny when you saw it in person]
Experiences like that are the things that I looooooove from watching my baby growing up, because it would never happened twice...
Even though it's been an amazing couple of years, these last few months is probably the most amazing and fun of all. I mean, watching my baby learned to speak her mind, its sooo cute and also pretty entertaining.
I mean, the first time she said "Ndak mau"....she said it all the time...in any occasion :-)....
It's a challenge for both my husband and I, trying to have a conversation with someone who is not yet 2 years old, because there's so many words that come out of her mouth is hardly understandable :-). But struggling as it is, I say it again, it's also a FUN thing to do.
Like the other day, for no obvious reason, she called me "undamu" other than munda [yeah I know, it also doesn't make sense...what's "MUNDA"?..but it's the closest thing to bunda right?] And just like "ndak mau", she said it all the time, whenever she wants me to do something or just for her fun, she always calls me undamu.. :-).
Last night another entertaining experience I have with Kay and my hubby, when he asked her to ask our maid for papaya coz he wants to eat some. Struggling with the words, Kay said to my maid, "Niia..aya...Dada [the translation would be -Nia, pepaya untuk Dada- or -Nia, could you get some papaya for Dada?]. But because of the way she talks, it's hard for the maids to understand so they asked, "emang Dada knapa Kay?" and she answered, "Dada..atit...paya...batuk" [hahahaha...I know..Iknow...it doesn't make sense right?....but can't blame my hubby for trying].
After waiting for the papaya that obviously will never come, my hubby called my baby again...and asked "Kay...bilang mbak Nia, mana..pepayanya kok ga jadi di potong?". And again, my baby - being the good messenger that she is - asked the maid the question that her dada asked her. "Nia, aya ana? aya otong Dada" [If I didn't tell you the story first...I bet it would be very hard for you to understand that....almost impossible right?....]
Hearing that question, the maids goes..."Ooh...Dada minta di potongin pepaya ya nak?"
Even though it takes a little longer, but she completed the task quite well don't you think?.
Another funny story last night is when my hubby sing along the song from the commercial on TV, the one with GIGI in it. The theme song is one of Gigi's songs..."Panas, panas, panas...badan ini....pusing....pusing....pusing....kepala ini"
And do you know what my baby does?.....She also sing along...but when it gets to the part "pusing...pusing"...she sang....'pusing paya...pusing paya...pusing paya' while doing some head banging...[I know it'snot soo hilarious when you read it here, but it was soooooooooo funny when you saw it in person]
Experiences like that are the things that I looooooove from watching my baby growing up, because it would never happened twice...
June 22, 2007
sh**y day :-(
Ok....take a deep breath.....inhale.....exhale.....inhale....exhale....
As you all probably know, life is already hard, so don't make it harder by expecting too much :-). Just try to go with the flow.
I guess I have to repeat that words over and over and over again to me. MORE LOUDLY....so it could go into my thick head.
But then again, it's HUMAN to always expect something more for themselves right? hehehe....
I know...I know...I am mumblings...rambling...with nothing specific to say..
I guess it's just my way of saying.....I have a very sh**y day so far... but then again...I KNOW..... LIFE IS GOOD.....HARD.....but GOOD.....
So keep smiling and just stop trying to prove anything that you KNOW you won't be able to prove :)
As you all probably know, life is already hard, so don't make it harder by expecting too much :-). Just try to go with the flow.
I guess I have to repeat that words over and over and over again to me. MORE LOUDLY....so it could go into my thick head.
But then again, it's HUMAN to always expect something more for themselves right? hehehe....
I know...I know...I am mumblings...rambling...with nothing specific to say..
I guess it's just my way of saying.....I have a very sh**y day so far... but then again...I KNOW..... LIFE IS GOOD.....HARD.....but GOOD.....
So keep smiling and just stop trying to prove anything that you KNOW you won't be able to prove :)
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