March 09, 2004

"Friends" and "Sex and The City" my opinion is the best concept of "Friendship"....

2 macam bentuk per-teman-an...and both are very interesting

Ngelanjutin cerita aku sebelumnya tentang MOVIE MANIA, kali ini aku mau nyoba untuk jadi "pengamat independen" dari semua film yang pernah aku tonton.

Pertama kali aku nonton serial Friends, aku jatuh cinta ama semua tokoh utama di film itu. Menurut aku friends merupakan film yang sangat menghibur. Semua karakter dalam friends saling melengkapi. Ada Ross, yang serius dan setia, ada Rachel yang manja dan cantik, ada Monica yang perfeksionis, ada Joey yang rada lemot tapi playboy, ada Phoebe yang lugu and innocent dan terakhir ada chandler yang always trying to be 'funny'.
Film ini merupakan film wajib yang aku tonton bareng suami. Setelah mengkoleksi ampir seluruh seri-nya...(ooh ya sekarang udah season terakhir nich....aku jadi deg-degan nungguin endingnya..), aku suka nonton episode yang lama berulang-ulang dan lucunya kok ndak bosen ya...I find it very I can watch it over and over and over again.....

Kalo serial "Sex and The City" baru aja aku tonton. Di serial ini ada 4 cewe' yang tinggal di New York City...(friends is also take place in Manhattan, New York). Mereka berempat ini wanita karier yang sukses. Tokoh sentralnya adalah si Carrie Bradshaw yang jadi columnist, terus dia punya 3 temen deket. Ada Charlotte..the brunette who is nice but really naive (well according to her friend she is)...she believed in the very konventional way, there's Miranda..the red head, who is a lawyer, she believed that man are evil..there's no good man in this world...(not for her anyway)....and the last one is Samantha...she is a PR Specialist...and she is a SEX Goddess...hahahaha...she doesn't believe in relationship...she believe in having sex with anybody and everybody as long as he is good at it....hahahahaha..sometimes I think she is acting like a know..when she has sex with some is "slam bam..thank you man"...hahahahahaha

"Friends" lebih menceritakan tentang pertemanan dimana they told everything that is happen to them in their lives to their friends...and everything in here is everything..and mostly the problems that they have is about love and life in general...well like when Ross was fall madly in love with Rachel...but she doesn't Chandler and Joey was tried to make him realize that it is never happen...Him and Rachel...but when finally Rachel find out about Ross affection toward her...She fell in love with him in return...but she can't because..He already has a girl friend...but the girls always tried to cheer her up....
Pertemanan di "Friends" itu bentuk pertemanan sejati..(at least according to me)...they are a really true friend..that will always be with every moment you are in....when you're up or down.....especially when you are down....that's what count right?...

"Sex and The City" juga cerita tentang pertemanan...dimana 4 sekawan yang berbeda profesi ini saling cerita dan berbagi, but mostly about SEX. Sesuai-lah ama judul-nya...dan mereka menceritakan-nya dengan lugas and it doesn't really matter...well maybe it doesn't...I mean...considering that this movie was taken place in a very very metropolitan city like new york....Tapi yang paling menarik dari cerita film ini adalah bagaimana ke empat cewe' sukses itu acts like a man...mereka dateng ke bar...attending the best party in town and usually they never go home alone...and in the next day...they acts like nothing happen...if they like the guy they called...if not...just forget about him....and they share this story with each other.....amazing isn't it....??

Yang sebenernya mau aku angkat di sini adalah....hmm...knapa ya...di Indonesia bentuk pertemanan seperti diatas itu jarang ditemui..well at least based on my experience ...memang sich secara culture we are very different with them, but if there's a good thing that we should learn from them..why not...just like technology...we are always trying to copy their technology right? so..why can't we do the same with that kind of friendship?...Are we really that different...I bet it is nice to have such a friend....kalo memang susah bagi kita untuk tell everything....mungkin yang bisa kita ambil dari ke 2 bentuk pertemanan ini adalah...hmm....always be there for your friend...through their ups and downs....and well...hoping they would do the same to you....:)..karena kalo ternyata kita ketemu ama temen yang mau enaknya aja...didengerin kalo dia perlu curhat tapi bt kalo kita mau curhat...ya...itu mah nasib jelek aja...:-(...
hmmm...I wonder...will our children experience the kind of friendships as we are having now or ?...I guess it is really up to us to show them the way....that they have to be there for their friend...but always remember the root of our culture....
I would like to believe that in the future...we will have that kind of friendship...but in our way....