May 21, 2004

Do you believe in 'Soulmate'?....

Pernah denger kata 'soulmate'??.....belahan jiwa....??...pasti pernah dong...kalo aku sich udah sering banget denger kata itu.......
Menurut survey..about soulmate...there's 2 kind of people in this world in reference to soulmate...the first type is the one who believe in soulmate....they believe there's a special someone for everyone.....and the second type is the one who doesn't believe in soulmate.....they think there's is more than one person that can make them happy...not necessarily have to be one person....

Soulmate Theory
Work-It-Out Theory
There is one (or very few) right person(s) for me.There are many people with whom I can be happy with.
Love is discovered.Love is built over time.
The right person is ideal or close to perfect for me.Person is not expected to be a perfect fit.
Finding the right person is the most important factor in a successful relationship.Effort is the most important factor.
Passion is of great importance.Passion is relatively unimportant.
People are hard to change.People can change.

For the first type,...they have many ways to try and find their soulmate....ada yang sudah memiliki bayangan tentang bagaimana pasangan hidup mereka kelak....sejak mereka mengenal yang namanya jatuh cinta.......karena menurut mereka...there can only be one special person to everyone....exactly one....they would be he/she other half.....belahan jiwa.....atau ada juga yang menemukan belahan jiwa mereka hanya dengan satu tatapan's just click...u know...'love at first sight'

Mungkin untuk yang pernah nonton film Serendipity or Kate and Leopold …bisa ngebayangin gimana sich orang-orang yang claims that they believe in soulmate….si Kate sampe travel back in time to find her soulmate…sementara si Sarah and Jonathan travel half around the States to find each other……Karena dalam diri mereka yakin…they have to find their other half or they will be misserable all their lives…..

Untuk tipe yang kedua...biasanya...hmm...mereka mencari juga....tapi bukan mencari soulmate ...mereka mencari people who can make them happy.... enjoy themselves...content....and that can be several can say...they just looking for love ....not their other half.... coz their believe that love was built over time…

Kalo menurut aku, lebih banyak orang yang termasuk dalam tipe kedua ini….terutama untuk kaum adam…mereka biasanya lebih berpikir rasional…mungkin mereka percaya pada jodoh…tapi tidak untuk belahan jiwa….mungkin bagi sebagian besar kaum adam ini berpikir konsep soulmate itu lebih merupakan satu ilusi yang dimiliki oleh kaum hawa…(let's face it…the majority of the romantic buff is females…rite?...:D…..)

As for me....I believe in soulmate.....before I was married...I believe that there is my other half somewhere out there....someone that complete me...make me whole....then I pray to God...please let me meet my other half....
When finally I met my was 'love at first sight' least for me....I like him right a way.....if you can't say that I fall for him....everything about him and me was clicked...and it still going strong....and with a believe that I have found my soulmate....I know we will survive anything and everything...

Kalo aku telah menggolongkan diri pada tipe pertama….(I am proud to be a member of the romantic buff…hehehe)…aku jadi pengen tau.. …teory mengenai soulmate ini berlaku ga ya sama teman-teman dekat aku…..well guys and gals…if you read this one…please do let me know which type you are in….

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