June 10, 2004

A thought of friendship...

   I read and walk for miles at night a long the beach
   writting bad blank verse and searching endlessly for someone wonderful
   who would step out of the darkness and change my life
   It never crossed my mind that..that person could be me

Sederhana ya bahasanya....aku suka dengan kesederhanaannya...menjelaskan kalo setiap manusia itu memang special...kita bisa bergantung pada orang lain...tapi tidak bisa terlalu tergantung...karena Tuhan menciptakan setiap manusia sebagai mahluk yang unik....yang berbeda antara satu dengan lainnya.

Kadang apabila kita merasa sedang putus asa, tidak berdaya, tidak berguna...kita merasa kita membutuhkan orang lain untuk membangkitkan semangat kita...but not according that words above...because really it is up to us to make everything to happen...there isn't anybody who could guarantee that they can make what you want to happen...so...u should be able to depend on urself because if there is someone that could make ur dream come true....that someone is YOU...and only YOU....(off course with Allah permition...)......so don't ever forget that you have enough strength inside of you to make everything happen.....because Allah created human with every strength and flaw for each person....and if we try hard enough...we will survive anything and everything.....

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