April 28, 2004


Mungkin udah banyak yang tau sama lagu Januari karangan Glen Fredly...gosipnya itu merupakan lagu persembahan-nya untuk Nola AB3 sewaktu mereka putus....yang kebetulan pas bulan "Januari".....

Untuk mereka yang udah denger lagu-nya...waah..mengharu biru banget deh....kayaknya semua orang pasti berkesimpulan kalo Glen itu cinta banget deh ama Nola...

For those of you who haven't heard the song yet...here we go....I'll give you the lyrics.......

Berat bebanku...meninggalkanmu..separuh nafas jiwaku...sirna...
Bukan salahmu...apa dayaku...mungkin benar cinta sejati...tak berpihak..pada kita...

      Kasihku..sampai disini kisah kita..jangan tangisi keadaannya
      Bukan karena kita berbeda....
      Dengarkan..dengarkan lagu..lagu ini..melodi rintihan hati ini...
      kisah kita berakhir di januari

selamat tinggal...kisah sejati ku....ooh pergilah......

so..what do you think?....ada ga ya dari temen-temen yang mikir...wow..that's so like me...or...OMG...he was telling our story.....hehehe...mungkin aja sich....karena penulis lagu itu banyak yang menuliskan realitas...jadi karena itulah mungkin kita merasa...wow...sama banget ama kisah kita...

Sebagai seorang yang romantis..(i don't know whether I am really romantic or i want to be a romantic person....)....Hmm...Glen is the kinda man that I want.....well maybe not Glen as he is...but the romantic side of him that could make me feel special.....

I guess this is it...just want to share one of my favorite song...and a little more explaination about myself...(nangkep ga sich artinya?...hehehehe....mudah-mudahan sich engga)......

April 14, 2004

Another version of "What a Perfect Birthday"....

Lately I was inspired by something I read on the net...then I try to write my version of the story on my weblog...just so I remember that everybody has different opinion or experience about something with the same subject or object....(ngerti ga sich?...makanya jangan sok nginggris..hihihihi..mau ngungkapin kata-kata nya kayaknya susah banget...hehehehe...)

Well I was reading about a surprise birthday gift...from a husband to his wife...the husband was just being romantic, though he manage to makes his wife a little BT by pretending that he didn't remember her birthday, and by the end of the day...ta...da....
he gave her a second honeymoon on one of the highest hotel in Thailand.....(Aku baca ini dari Nita's footprints...lucu juga...)

It happened hmm...almost 5 years ago...my husband, a romantic guy as he is...prepare a surprise birthday present.. for me....
you see..I have to work late on my birthday....he didn't give me anything...he keeps telling me that he didn't have anything for me...and if I want something, we can go together and buy it...so he wouldn't buy me a wrong present....(what's the fun in that?...and definitely not romantic right?)....uuugggghhh..I was not really like him at that time..we have known each other for 6 years and he still doesn't know what I need or want?....hahahahaha...well at least that what I thought at the time...

But that was about to change....during the day...we were both in our office...he kept calling me...asking me...what things that i really want...that i really need...but that was only make me more angry at him.....uuuggggghhh...hahahaha..well I kept answering no need to find me a gift...I don't want any present....my birthday was almost over anyway....hahahahaha

Thinking that I won't get a birthday present, my feeling was very blue that day........I mean..it is ok if I didn't have anything from my husband...but I just didn't like the way he keep asking me what I want...you know...hahahahaha...it's like he doesn't know me at all....lmao...

As I already said, i have to work late on my birthday...it was just like completed to the whole day...the worst birthday...or so I thought....when I got home, my husband was already home...he was expecting me...and keep saying sorry that he didn't buy me anything...and I was trying so hard to be calm and try to let my feeling show....(bt gara2 udah ditanyain melulu kado-nya tapi ga tetep ga dibeliin...:-(....)...

When I was ready to go to bed...then there it was...a big package of something was laying on my bed...still wrapped in the store package...I was surprised to see it..and then he sang "happy birthday cantik...happy birthday to you...happy birthday my dear wife..happy birthday to you"....wow....I think my heart was melting and my anger just puff...disappear......OMG....I love him so much..but I also hate him for making me think I was having the worst birthday....hahahahaha..and the surprise didn't stop there....after a few quikie...(kissing and hugging and thanking him for my present...) ..I was laying down and getting ready to sleep when I feel something under my pillow...and OMG...hahahaha...there's this wallet that I want for quite some time....turns out HE DOES KNOW ME.....hahahahahha

well....you all can say that's kinda my version of "What a Perfect Birthday".....

April 13, 2004

Over self-confidence or low self-condifence...which one is better??...

Hmm....aku termasuk orang yang punya masalah dengan self-confidence...dan kalo aku cerita sama banyak orang..banyak yang ga percaya...karena mereka bilang..aku tuch keliatannya pe-de banget...well they all should know...appearance is not always what it seems...

Aku udah mengalami ketidak pe-de an terhadap diri sendiri sedari aku masih sekolah di SD....hmmm..I think when I first noticed that my sister is soo beautiful...(according to me...but she really is beautiful)...and for my knowledge..I am far from being pretty...I feel that I was a short fat ugly duckling...while she was a Swan...you know...from the story of Swan Lake?....the Swan is very beautiful with the long neck and white feather....that's how she looks like...slim, tall, fair skin with a dark long hair....as for me I am short, fat with a chubby face and a very thin hair....well lets just say that I wasn't at all pretty in any sense.....

Growing up as a shadow of your beautiful sister surely made you feel really ugly....more ugly than it already is....hehehe...kesian ya...:-(....and I think it made me more insecure...about everything...but mostly about appearance.....I always thought that people will immediately like you if you are pretty.....karena biasanya orang tuch selalu melihat penampilan dulu....dan biasanya first impression that would last.....jadi kalo penampilan-nya kurang ok....orang biasanya males untuk lebih mengenal that person....(I know not all people like that...but for an adolescence...kayaknya sich penampilan tuch selalu no 1)

Perasaan ga pe-de itu terus mengikuti aku sampai aku SMA...lama ya?...hehehehe...karena ya selama itu aku selalu satu sekolah sama kakak-ku...perbedaan umur yang cuma 13 bulan persis mbuat kita hanya selisih satu tahun ajaran...sejak SD sampe SMA aku temen-temen aku kenal sama kakak-ku dan vice versa...
Aku kenal semua cowok-cowok yang naksir sama kakak-ku...malah diantara cowok-cowok itu.....ada yang jadi 'kecengan aku'...dan seperti yang udah aku kira..none of them really paying attention to me...well they were all nice...but with something in their mind...so my sister would choose them instead of the other boys.....hehehehe..ada beruntungnya juga ya aku...semua pada baik-baik sama aku...berharap aku mau cerita ama mereka tentang apa yang disuka ama kakak-ku...

Satu pengalaman yang paling aku inget sehubungan dengan rasa tidak pe-de ku itu....kalo ga salah sich waktu tahun 1987 or 1988 deh...tahun baru...Kakak-ku punya acara tahun baru-an dong...bareng temen-temennya...and that day..I was left alone at home...I was doing my hair...hahahaha...while every people my age having fun in the New Year's Party..I was at home..alone...hahahaha...well not exactly alone..with my parents...but that's no party right?...hehehehe....then I remembered my mom asked my sister to take me to the party.....and I have quite a party too....enak ya punya kakak ngetop...hehehehe

Seiring dengan bertambahnya usia, rasa ga pe-de aku mulai berkurang sedikit demi sedikit....terutama setelah aku berhasil lulus UMPTN....ke FISIP UI...Kayaknya aku mulai tau dan ngerti kalo appearance does matter but most importantly is....that you have to have the brain.....coz the face and all its appearance will diappear along with age...but you'll have your brain till the end of your time.....

Kuliah di FISIP UI membuat aku banyak belajar..terutama tentang self-confidence...lucu-nya setelah aku sadar kalo brain is the thing that mattered...mulai banyak cowok-cowok yang deketin aku...mereka bilang aku manis dan pintar....cieee....hehehehehe...
Rasa percaya diri aku semakin membaik karena ga lama setelah lulus kuliah aku langsung kerja di Bank..dimana penampilan juga jadi bahan pertimbangan...hmm...jadi aku pikir...ooh ternyata aku bisa juga ya berpenampilan baik.....

Ok..enough with the low self confindence-nya...sekarang aku mau cerita tentang someone with a very high self-confindence...
Aku baru liat di satu website...www.williamhung.com....itu tentang seorang imigran Hongkong di Amerika yang ikutan kontes nyanyi yang lagi menjamur akhir-akhir ini..American Idol....Willi Hung....gitu dia dipanggil...sangat jauh dari konsep idol yang disyarat-kan oleh kontes tersebut...karena baik apperance maupun suara dia jauh dibawah standar....tapi dia dengan bangga bilang..."I am very proud of who I am...I have nothing to loose and I have given you my best".....setelah ditanya oleh salah seorang juri...Mr. Simon Cowell..."You can't sing...and you can't dance....so what do you expect??"....keliatan kan..bagaimana tinggi-nya confidence seorang Willi Hung.....yang oleh orang amerika disebut "American Pride"...

Walaupun pada akhirnya Willi Hung gagal ikut dalam ajang kompetisi 'American Idol' tapi tetep jadi beken..karena rakyat amerika menilai dia sebagai "True American"...yang syarat-syarat-nya adalah : 1. Immigran ; 2. Have an American Pride ; 3. Underestimated by Englishman (Simon Cowell)...hmm..itu syarat yang aku inget..kalo ga salah sich ada 2 lagi..tapi ga terlalu penting...hehehehe...

Tenar-nya William Hung diiringi oleh pro dan kontra....walaupun ada juga yang netral-netral aja...
Yang kontra adalah masyarakat imigran keturunan china yang menilai William Hung hanya digunakan oleh industri musik di Amerika untuk dijadikan bahan lelucon...cuma untuk olok-olok aja....sementara yang pro bilang...well he deserved it....coz he has enough courage to do something like that so he should be rewarded by famous....
Sementara yang netral bilang..selama saling menguntungkan...baik industri musik maupun si Willi Hung sendiri..maka ya sudahlah...biarlah masing-masing menikmati kerjasama yang saling menguntungkan itu....

Dari cerita diatas kita bisa simpulin bahwa ternyata having a low self confidence or high self-confidence is not too good for a person...you have to have a self-confidence...that's all...you have to believe that you are good enough...coz God created human with all its goodness and its flaws......

Aku pernah baca di satu situs tulisan dari Oscar Wilde..yang bilang "To love oneself is the beginning of a long-life romance"......jadi..belajar-lah mencintai diri sendiri...karena bagaimana-pun dirimu, itu merupakan karunia Allah SWT...

April 02, 2004

Untaian kata indah dari seorang sahabat

Hari ini aku sibuk sekali...hmm...capek deh rasanya....di tempat aku kerja ngadain satu acara...Temu Wicara sama 3 Menteri, Kapolri dan ketua KPU...maklum lah...udah deket pemilu....

Sehabis acara selesai...biasa-lah aku chat ama seorang sahabat....ngobrol ngalor ngidul...pokoknya nyoba nge-relax-in pikiran yang udah capek banget...

Sahabat aku ini orang-nya sich ngaku-nya pemalu...mula-mula aku ga percaya, abis kalo liat orangnya,...kayaknya penuh percaya diri gitu, tapi setelah kenal lama-lama sich ada bener-nya juga....dia itu orangnya cuek and pemalu...mungkin tepatnya bukan pemalu kali ya...tapi lebih banyak cuek..dan ga mau tau masalah orang atau urusan orang...jadi kesan yang ditangkep tuch kayaknya dia itu sombong banget...pelit kata-kata....

Awal-awal kenal dia bilang kalo dia bukan orang yang romantis......ga pernah nggombal, sekalipun pada waktu pendekatan ama cewe' yang dia suka...dia bilang dia orangnya straight to the point...open...and again...cuek....hahahahaha....jadi kalo orang yang baru kenal...suka sebel sama gayanya yang sok cool.....padahal...itu cuma gayanya aja yang cuek....

Mungkin karena cuek itu lah dia bilang dia bukan orang romantis.....ga pernah tuch nulis-nulis puisi kalo pun pernah..hitungan jari juga ga ada...kalo anniversary ama pacarnya...kasih kado and makan keluar (dengan catatan kalo punya uang...hehehehe...:-)....)...."kirim bunga kalo pas pacar ulang taun sih pernah..tapi ga romantis deh"....begitu katanya waktu aku tanya...romantis ga sich kamu mas?...biasa ceritanya mau jadi calon penulis yang lengkap dengan riset tentang hal yang mau ditulis....hehehe....terus jawabannya...."engga....aku bukan termasuk kategori cowok yang romantis..."

Nah...waktu kita chat...tiba-tiba dia nulis rangkaian kata....

Last night I asked an old wise man
To tell me all the secrets of the universe.
He murmured slowly in my ear,
"This cannot be told, but only learned"

aku bilang..."bagus...siapa yang tulis ?"..terus dia bilang..."aku", katanya...tercengang-lah aku....lah..bukannya dia bilang dia ga pernah tuch rangkai kata-kata...apalagi puisi...wah....kok sekarang bisa....hehehehehehe....
Memang sich untaian katan-nya bukan yang romantis...tapi tetep aja....dan seperti yang pernah aku tulis...orang yang bisa bikin puisi itu jenius...karena merangkai kata itu ga mudah....well at least that is only my opinion....

Hmm.....untaian kata indah dari seorang sahabat aku itu mbikin aku bertanya......apa ya yang bisa bikin orang tiba-tiba nulis puisi?......kalo aku.....hmm......mungkin waktu I fall in love....terus..untuk sahabat aku ini....apa ya yang mbuat dia nulis untaian kata indah itu?..I would really like to know... :-)...