Akhir-akhir ini ga tau deh...I had a very moody mood....u know...and it is more to bad mood than good mood....
BT...that contain this kinda feeling...kesel, sumpek, bingung, sedih, resah dan gelisah (kayak lagu aja ya?..)....and then my mood just swing to a better condition...I feel happy, glad, content, crazy in love....(with my husband of course..:-)...)....and all the 'Happy' mood that you can name of......
Why o...why?.....I myself don't understand what happen with me....aku pikir sich...hmm..."mrs tak pernah diundang stiap bulan" itu pasti mau mampir....usually that put my mood into bad to worst....but it's almost over already....my PMS doesn't last this long....:-(.....
Aduh...sakit kepala jadinya deh....akibat dari moody ini....aku jadi tambah sensi...u know...kayaknya ga boleh ada orang bikin aku tersinggung...langsung deh..kalo ga marah...sedih...kacau kan.........and I can't talk to anybody...coz I am affraid I'll make them BT...or make me feel more BT......
Uuuggggghhhhhhh....ada yang ngerti ga sich?...apa emang gini mood-nya perempuan?...hahahahaha...anybody can tell me what's wrong with me?....Anyone?...please.....I don't want to feel this way.....Help me please.....
Udah dulu ya....curhat-nya...:-(.....takut malah tambah BT...hehehehe...mudah-mudahan sich engga....please pray for me...[-0<....
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