August 30, 2007

--- CLOSED ---

Blog ini ditutup karena satu dan lain hal. kalo memang temen2 masih mau baca tulisan-tulisan aku, silahkan tinggalkan pesan di postingan ini. Nanti pasti akan aku hubungi dan dikasih tau alamat baru-nya :).
Terima kasih atas kesedian temen-temen meluangkan waktu untuk membaca postingan2 iseng aku di blog ini. Sukses ya....

August 14, 2007

Swim Suit Photo Shoot

Minggu kemarin, iseng ajak Kay berenang, kebetulan oom Kiting ikutan, jadi ada foto shoot deh.
Cuma mau pamer sie...abis anak bunda cantik banget, hehehe...ada-ada aja ya Bunda :).
Ini beberapa foto yang di ambil ama oom Kiting, yang ternyata setelah liat soft-file-nya banyak banget deh hasilnya. Masa dalam waktu ga sampe setengah jam Kay di foto hasil-nya ada sekitar 150 jepretan, serasa foto model beneran deh anak Bunda [sebenernya sie kayaknya Kay ngga ngeh juga, abis dia bergerak natural aja, Bunda-nya aja kaget campur bangga liat hasil-nya].
Ok deh... without furtherado, here I present to you, my lovely daughter Callista Puti Ulung :

So, what do you think?...Isn't she lovely and beautiful?...
Hehehe..harap maklum aja ya...emaknya yang ngomong, jadi ya agak2 narsis gitu.
Ok..please kasih comment dong....tentang cantiknya anak bunda [halah!!]...

August 07, 2007

Celebrity look-alikes

I was just doing some blogwalking and find an interesting post, and I tried it on myself. It's a site for look the most look-alike celebrity with yourself. Just a fun thing to do with my free time :)

For the first trial, here what they say who is the celebrity that looks like me :

so what do you think?...As for me, I don't think i look like Ami Suzuki at all, maybe a little more like nora danish [I don't think that she is Nora Danish, whoever she is, I think she is more like Siti Nurhaliza, right?], hehehe..i prefer Siti coz i am such a fan of her :). A little subjectivity is allowed don't you think?

Because I am not convinced that I look like that Ami Suzuki, so i went for a second trial, here the result :

Hahaha..So I look like Gwyneth Paltrow or Tata Young now huh? Well at least they are more known than that Ami Suzuki [whose name is using a well known car producer]. ;

But since I still not satisfied with the result, so I went for another trial, and here's the last result :

well...I am still not satisfied with the result, but then again, I's only look-alikes...not exactly like... so...I AM just ME...and no one else...and I am proud of it. )