March 06, 2004

My Collection

Sebagai orang yang ngaku dirinya penggemar film...aku merasa punya kewajiban untuk ngoleksi film...hehehehe...well you can say that it is only excuse....but still...hahahaha...i am really have this big collection of movies...

It started out right after I am husband and I....both are totally crazy movie watcher....pengamat film might say that...hahahahaha....but again...I am not really qualified as a pengamat's collector is more like it....

Jumlah koleksi yang aku punya sich udah lumayan banyak...untuk vcd sekitar 375 buah judul...tapi setelah kita kenal dvd, biarpun bajakan, tapi kualitasnya ga kalah ama vcd...kita terus beralih ke dvd....dan koleksi dvd yang kita udah punya hmmmm....sekitar 250 judul film....and it will be more with each day ....
See...told ya....CRAZY.....hahahahahahahaha...

Ever since I collect dvd...aku selalu nyari tempat yang murah...iya dong...soalnya kan beli-nya ga cuma satu atau dua buah aja....pernah waktu itu aku beli 20 buah and the next day...I bought another 19....hahahahaha....
Tempat aku beli dvd udah beraneka ragam....di know...Sogo Jongkok of SCBD, terus di Wijaya....depan Wijaya theatre...terus di Ratu Plaza...but the place you have to go if you want to buy a DVD is.....GLODOK my's like heaven for DVD....

First time I go there....I was like...OMG...there's soo many movie that I have to eyes went roaming on every store friend said to me...."easy girl"...hahahahaha....I can't decide which movie I want to buy that first trip....I bought 19 tittles of can't call me a movie mania if you went to DVD heaven and only bought one or five least you have to bought hmmm....10...hahahahaha

On the second, third, fourth trip to Glodok..I bought at least 10 tittles...hahahaha...well that's me..and now I just sit back and relax..and watch all the movie...till the next trip to go back there..hahaha...and after I watch all the movie...I promise to tell you all about it..ok?..ya...belajar untuk jadi penulis or pengamat film independen....??...

Ok...I guess this is it....have to go back to work.....ciao.....