December 22, 2004

hAppY MotHeR's DaY......

Today is Mother's Day and it also happened to be my mom's't believe she is now 56....she is still soo young....both in appearance and heart....I am soo proud of her....she is the best mom ever..she is very patient...[though sometimes she can be pretty pushy...but tell me who's mom's isn't ...right?], caring and hmmm..there's so many thing about her that I would love to tell you..but I find it hard to find the right word, coz there will never be enough words to describe my mom....she is the best mom ever...[I've said that have I?..] She means the world, galaxy, and universe to me....without her I am nothing....without her..there would never be ME.....

On this special day...I would like to thank you mom....for everything that you have done to me....thank you for carrying me in you for 9 months....thank you for delivering me to this world..and took care of me ever since....Thank you for always be there for every occassion....feeling happy when I am happy....sad when i am sad....angry when I am are always there to help me through it me advice...teaching me...and guiding me.....thank you for being my guardian the my present and for ever....
Again I can't think of any words to thank you...coz again...there'll never be enough words in the world for me to say thank you to you Mom....except.....thank you thank you thank you....for made me the person I am today....THANK YOU......

On this special day...I have a special pray for my mom .....I pray to Allah SWT so my mom gonna be able to see her granchildren from me....please yaa Rabbi.....give her a long and healthy that my children would have a chance to know be spoiled by know her kindness heart....and to learn from the best about how to be a good person....

Maybe Allah thinks that having one wonderful mom like my mom wasn't enough for Allah decided to gave me I have one great mother inlaw am blessed.....

I guess on this special day also...I want to congratulate all moms from all over the are a unique, special and wonderful individuals who can make this world a special place to live for our children .....HaPpY MoThEr'S dAy......

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