January 02, 2007

HoW ShOuLd We StArT oUr NeW yEaR.....

I think we should start a new year with a lot of joy and happiness, as a new chapter of our live opening up in front of our own eyes...with all the excitement of planning a new dream and making it happen caught up with our own reluctance to leave all the good memories behind...

But sadly for Indonesian...this new year isn't about good excitement...starting out with a breaking news from Indonesian airlines...Adam Air with destination Surabaya - Manado is missing....there's a flood in Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam...the hot mud problems in Porong Sidoardjo still haven't been solved....there's a Senopati commercial boat that was lost in the sea...and a recent one is a prediction that Isobel storm will be coming to Indonesia...

What a way of starting a new year for a nation huh?.... But maybe this is the way God showed us that as a nation, we haven't thankfull enough....there's so many thing that has been given to us, great land, beautiful scenery and wonderful culture with only two seasons.

Maybe this year we, as a nation has to do some serious thinking, what have we done wrong?...and how to make it right...so maybe God won't be so mad at us anymore....

and how about all of you??? How do you start your New Year???...care to tell me??

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